Drugs are harmful substances that affect the human body and brain leading to slow individual growth. Nowadays in modern society, people consume drugs however youths are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs at an early age. Indeed, this is increasing at an alarming rate and is a concerning issue in our society. Every type of people lives in every society, such as poor, middle, and rich people. Drug addiction is affecting people of every category, which is a matter of concern for our entire society. There are several reasons for the surge in drug usage which includes peer pressure, youngsters falling in bad company, parents not spending time with kids, which ultimately makes them feel alienated and they fell into this to relieve stress. This essay will highlight whatever harmful things are due to drugs and suggest some recommendations and possible solutions to this macabre problem.
Causes and its harmful effects
Substance abuse can affect humans in many ways which can be different in every man. Different drugs cause different impacts on the mind, emotions, and behaviour of a person. Consumption of drugs has a very adverse effect on the mind of the people as well as their body, such as the weakening of the body, always turning the head, always feeling intoxicated, etc. It also depends on how, when, and in what quantity it has been taken. Drug use can lead to multiple risks involving accidents, violent acts, or difficulties in sleep, think, reason, and solving problems.
Following are the drugs that can cause damage to the central nervous system –
- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Nicotine
- Cannabis
- Prescription pills
Additionally, frequent use of the substance can cause a wide range of short and long-term health effects. It worsens mental disorders and can lead to anxiety and depression.

Common issues of recreational drug effects on the nervous system are defined below:-
- Speed and Cannabis
- This causes a reduction in aggression, heart stroke and blood pressure problems. It can cause mental health problems and severe damage to lungs causing asthma, extreme psychotic reactions and lung, mouth cancer.
- Ecstasy
- Its consumption can lead to memory loss, depression, anxiety, confusion and can lead to overheating and dehydration.
- Crystal Meth
- Can cause excessive sweat
- May reduce appetite
- Risk of infectious diseases
- Can cause itchiness and scratching
- Cocaine
- Lowered inhibition
- Risk in pregnancy
- Heart stroke
- Brain Hemorrhage
- High blood pressure
- Can cause vein collapse, if injected
- Overstimulation of nervous system
The long-term effects could hinder –
- brain efficiency and can slow down human reflexes.
- Prolonged consumption of drugs can even lead to asthma,
- increased risk of fertility in women,
- damage nasal passage, difficulty in pregnancy,
- decreased ability to combat infection,
- various types of cancer,
- heart stroke,
- respiratory problems,
- damage to blood vessels,
- brain damage and kidney failure.
Prolonged medicine has long-lasting effects on the nervous system. Due to drug overdose, there are many effects on the nervous system which are as follows: –
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Tissue Damage
- Infectious diseases
- Weekend Immune system
The excess consumption of alcohol causes widespread damage to the brain. The common health conditions caused by alcohol abuse are –
- Damage to the immune system
- Cardiovascular problems
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Respiratory problems
- Liver Damage
- Kidney Damage
- Neurological Issues
Each drug has its own risk that affects the nervous system in every way. Following are some strategies to overcome drug damage on the nervous system: –
- Cell Replacement
- The central nervous system rewarding
- Medicines
Along with all these steps, the government should also arrest those who are smuggling drugs and curb its sale. Nevertheless, control measures should be taken by society to protect the young generation from this menace. More attention by family members should be given to their kids and create a safe environment for them, educate them on the negative effects that drugs can cause. By implementing the above solutions, it is anticipated that it will reduce the consumption of drugs that can ensure better health of a future generation.
To recapitulate, drug addiction is a serious concern and a threat to our nation. According to me, the regulatory body should take appropriate measures to eradicate drug usage. Several actions could be taken by the government to treat drug addicts, for example, develop more rehabilitation centres, make campaigns about how to raise the young generation, ban the selling of drugs, drug dealers must be put behind bars.