Drug overdose is fast emerging as the leading cause of accidental deaths. It has already reached alarming proportions in developed countries. For instance, in America, more people are dying of drug overdose than car accidents each year. These staggering statistics are a dangerous sign for a developing country like India that is fighting drug abuse.
Harmful Drugs
Any drug or drug mixture that creates a chemical imbalance in the human body is classified as a dangerous drug. It can have a euphoric effect for the time being. Popular drugs are the ones that interact with the brain and body and, as a result, release feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals provide a pleasurable feeling for some time but eventually make the body addicted to it. The body then starts demanding the drug to maintain the chemical balance. It leads to physical dependence on the substance along with the psychological problem.

The brain starts to associate the positive feeling and euphoric high with the use of the drug. Most drugs create an addiction in this way.
However, some drugs are proven to more addictive than others and hence more dangerous. Each person is unique, and their body will respond differently to various drugs and their doses. However, certain drugs have a high rate of addiction and are the culprit of overdose deaths.
You should familiarize yourself with these drugs and their irreversible effects before you ever think about trying. Here is the list of the five most dangerous drugs that you need to know.
It is a drug that manipulates serotonin in our bodies. Dragonfly is also known as Bromo-DragonFLY or B-DFLY. The effect of this drug is that it creates a hallucinogenic feeling and visuals when consumed. Dragonfly is the street name of this drug because the chemical structure is similar to the wings of a dragonfly. What differentiates it from other drugs and makes it more dangerous are the potency and the duration which it lasts. It is powerful in comparison to all other hallucinogens. Even a small dose of Dragonfly can lead to an altered state of mind for several days.
Seizures, confusion, and even death problems are often reported because of this drug. It has earned its reputation as the scariest and dangerous drug available.
These drugs are commonly used to treat any major depression or mood disorder and are also prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety-related problems. Common antidepressants include Prozac, Zoloft, and Cymbalta. These drugs have gradually made it to the list of preferred drugs by addicts. It has an adverse health effect when consumed for the long term. As a fact, those taking antidepressants have a higher risk of dying prematurely than the one not taking drugs at all. In drug addicts, these drugs have often caused a stroke or heart attack.
Tip: Feel free to visit http://bestrehabcentres.in/ and you will find rehabilitation centres specialising in helping you get recover from prescription drugs addiction
Benzo Fury
It is a new drug that caught the fancy of addicts the world over. It is legally sold and is labeled ‘not for human consumption.’ It is, therefore, easy for anyone to abuse the drug without the risk of any criminal punishment. Benzo Fury also gives hallucinogenic effects when consumed, but the danger with this drug is more due to the higher potency. In many ways, this drug is similar to MDMA, and as a stimulant, the effect of the drug can well last for 14 hours. In case of overdose, hospitalization is a must. In several countries, including the UK, this drug is banned.
Also known as Krok, it is also called the poor man’s Heroin. It is cheap, and the effects of this drug, when consumed, are similar to that of heroin. It is a common drug in Russia and other former Soviet Republics. It has gradually made inroads in other countries as well. The drug is actually named after crocodiles. As the skin at the injection site resembles that of the large reptile. Krok has become infamous as it causes flesh around the injection site to fall off and causing harm to the organs. Consider this drug like the one that causes disfiguring the most and maybe the deadliest as well.
Many call it the ‘perfect substance for an easy crime.’ It is also known as Devil’s Breath or Scopolamine Datura. It is derived from a native tree of Colombia and Venezuela. Research is yet to reveal how this drug works in the human body. The drug causes complete elimination of free will. As an outcome, the victim gets unconscious and is easily controlled by the predator. The victim obeys the command given, and one can control his mind and actions. All this happens without leaving a trace of memory. However, scientists generally dispute this claim. Nevertheless, the drug is fatal.