Perhaps one of the most extensive and easiest cures that can be suggested to anyone who suffers from chronic smoking addiction is some amazing alternatives that are available. Nothing can work better if the person takes it upon themselves to stop the habit of smoking. It is quite understandable that it is not an easy pursuit to follow. A lot of difficulties have to be overcome to completely give away the habit of smoking. But quitting this bad habit would be a lot easier if certain alternatives to cure smoking addiction can be followed.
Listing down are some practices that can be incorporated to quit the habit of smoking-
● Go for nicotine replacement therapy-
Nicotine replacement therapy is offered at various clinics across the country. It is one of the most effective treatments that one can seek to get rid of the shackles of smoking addiction. This treatment involves prescription nicotine which can be taken through inhaling or nasal spray, nicotine gums, lozenges, or candies, such products help get through the effects of nicotine. Or the physician can prescribe many anti-smoking medications that can help them get through the harsh habit of smoking addiction.

● Make a habit to avoid triggers whenever possible
There are a lot of triggers that can trap you and make you light up a cigarette. You won’t even realize when you finish one and light another one. Such triggers are present in a bar, at coffee shops, in the washroom, while feeling stressed. Keep a mindful approach while you’re amongst any of these triggering circumstances. First thing first, stop keeping a cigarette with yourself, also say a firm NO when someone offers you. Be affirmative about non-smoking, otherwise, the purpose wouldn’t be solved.
● Try to delay when you get the urge to smoke
So this is a very popular trick to stop oneself from smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes someone is smoking. Whenever you get an urge to smoke, try to delay the pursuit of a cigarette as much as possible. As much as the delay goes on, there is a chance that your brain will make you get the rush by making you do something productive and pleasurable. That delay will finally pay off by making you do something pleasurable and satisfying. Keeping that in mind, this habit will finally make you pay off in the pursuit of giving up smoking.
● Have something to chew on
Getting something to chew upon, for example, a chewing gum that is sugarless, also chewing upon some snacks like peanuts or chips can also help get over the urge to smoke. But at the same time, it should be kept in mind that over-indulging in the habit of munching can give a lot of other complications and problems which would be even worse to deal with later on. Diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes can occur in the body with an unhealthy amount of unhealthy munching.
● Try to indulge in physical activity
Try to busy yourself in physical activities as much as possible. All the exertion helps in sweating the toxins out of the body. The number of toxins draining out will help you in getting rid of the habit of smoking, as it will help in reducing the amount of urge that you get for smoking. This outflow of toxic substances will make your body not stay dependent on the nicotine and other toxic substances that you get from smoking a cigarette.

● Visit a Sauna and take a steam bath
If you’re not interested in indulging in any hard physical activity to sweat the toxins out from your body, you can always visit a sauna for an hour or two and sweat out the toxins out of your body. The sweat will clear your system out of the toxic substance which gets stuck in the body due to this disgusting habit of smoking cigarettes. Spending two to three hours every day in a sauna and sweating out the toxins from the body will help you get rid of not only smoking but also a lot of other different habits that also destroys the health from within. Such habits get cured effectively by the habit of visiting the sauna.