Tobacco addiction is one of the causes of cancer. Those who are addicted to tobacco have a high probability of cancer. Tobacco’s main chemical aspect is nicotine. Nicotine is harmful to your health so if you are addicted to tobacco then in future maybe this is the main reason for your death. First time mainly younger people are starting to smoke for style maintenance they are just casual about it but after a long day, they become addicted to tobacco. Tobacco increases dopamine which makes the brain’s reward system feel as happy, pleasure and satisfaction like this. That’s why people are easily addicted to tobacco. Lung cancer and vocal cord cancer is a common disease of tobacco addicts people.

Causes of tobacco addiction and why it’s difficult for you to quit this addiction
In younger age, people are intake tobacco through the smoke just as casually as style maintains nothing else but after a long day when they evolve addicted to tobacco, they can’t forsake this habit because Nicotine predominates your whole nervous system and increases dopamine hormone which pleases your brain reward system. But when you try to cut down tobacco addiction it breaks your hormonal balance which affects your nervous system and Halts to disclose dopamine hormone that’s why to increase your anxiety, guilt, depression for that you can’t stop your tobacco addiction and also you are habituated to smoking.
If you are smoking when you are in the toilet, after breakfast, after lunch or dinner, when you talk to someone over the phone and your working time on a regular basis then it’s evolving in your routine, and then it’s too difficult to cut down this tobacco addiction.
How you quit tobacco addiction
You try to stop smoking but you can’t? Don’t overthink it! It’s natural, quite any addiction is not easy, we tell you why you can’t cut down tobacco addiction but don’t be depressed! Here we tell you some best tips and tricks on how you quit tobacco addiction.
1. Resist trigger
Avoid those spots where you smoke such as a bar, friends party, the club where you have more possibility for smoking. At first, you shortlist these triggers and then avoid those trigger places. And avoid those people who insist you smoke.
2. Delinquency
If you feel restless and think to go to your tobacco carving zone at that time, neglect your thought and try to think some important things also try to divert your mind in other things and try to go into a smoke-free zone or talk to your friends, partner anyone for your mind to divert.
3.start physical work to avoid your smoking habit
You can start some physical activity and regular basis workout such as walking in the morning and evening time, freehand exercise, which makes you feel good and can help you tobacco addiction Sally out. Physical activity can distract you from tobacco addiction.
4. Contact those people who reinforcements you
Contact with someone who assists you to forsake your tobacco addiction, touch with family members, make some fun with your family and friends, start to chat with a friend to relax, make more laughs with friends and visit someplace where you enjoy.
5. Try to practice some relaxation strategy
Tobacco may help you to remove your street. So try other activity practice which makes you feel relaxed such as meditation, yoga, deep-breathing, muscle relaxation etc.
6.visit to some online motivational site
Watch some motivational videos and read some encouraging quotes to someone else who successfully struggles against tobacco addiction. You may gain more strength for your tobacco addiction struggle.

7. Attempt tobacco alternate treatment
Inquire your consultant about tobacco alternative treatment. The options comprise here-
- Medicine tobacco in the inhaler or a nasal spray.
- Over-the-counter tobacco someplace, lozenges and gum.
- Medication non-tobacco stop-smoking therapies such as varenicline and bupropion.
- Short-acting tobacco alternative therapies — such as lozenges, tobacco gum, inhalers or nasal sprays — can assist you to survive severe cravings.
8. Nibble
Give your mouth some things for a nibble fight against nicotine such as sunflower seeds, hard candies or sugarless gum etc.
9. Remind benefit
If you feel you can’t struggle against tobacco addiction then remind yourself about the benefit of quit tobacco addiction.