All are familiar with the phrase “smoking is injurious to health”. Yes, indeed it is dangerous as it can affect not only lungs but the whole body. Smoking tobacco which contains substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide or tar and acetone are very harmful to the body especially lungs as it directly affects the lungs. Not only the smoker‘s body but it also affects the passive smokers. Those people who use to contact a smoker every day for any reason but are affected by smoking passively.
Smoking can cause lots of ongoing problems in the body and body system which might last for long-term as it can raise the risk of various problems where some effects are immediate.

Let’s know some of the more effects of smoking on the body.
Smoking directly affects the lungs and damages the respiratory system. It also causes other deadly diseases like lung cancer, emphysema, Chronic bronchitis.
- Affects other chest infections too.
- Breathlessness issue due to narrowing and swelling of the lung.
2. Heart
Smoking also affects the heart and causes heart-related issues like peripheral vascular illness, heart attack, strokes and cerebrovascular disease. Smoking doubles the threat of heart issues as nicotine and carbon monoxide from the smoke impose the pressure on the heart.
- Raise heart rate and blood pressure.
- Reduce blood flow to fingers and toes.
3. Skin
Not only the heart and lungs smoking also affects the skin by reducing the proportion of oxygen which is essential to the skin. This can lead to skin ageing more rapidly and make you look dull and grey.
- Causes other skin issues too like inflammation.
- Damage scalp which can be the reason for hair fall.
4.Mouth and throat
One of the bad impacts of smoking is gum or oral disease including stained teeth and bad breath and also weaken the sense of taste. Smoking also causes serious issues like cancer to lips, throat, tongue, oesophagus and a voice box.
- Disturbance in windpipe and voice box.
- Mouth ulcer and other gum disease called Periodontitis.
5. Brain
The brain plays a major role in our body which can get damaged by smoking. Smoking raises the chances of having a stroke by 50% which can lead to brain damage and death. It develops a brain aneurysm which means lump in a blood vessel resulting in weakening blood vessel barrier causing the severe condition called a subarachnoid haemorrhage, a type of stroke.
- Weaken the process of the brain due to lack of blood circulation.
- Leads to stress or hypertension.
6. Fertility problem
Women who indulge in smoking can suffer from fertility problems as smoke affects hormone levels too due to a chemical in tobacco which makes difficulties in conceiving babies.
Also, males have to suffer erectile dysfunction. Smoking also reduces the quality of semen ultimate affecting fertility.
- Hereditary defect in sperm.
- Abnormality in the menstrual cycle.

7. Type 2 diabetes
In type 2 diabetes, cells become weak causing not responding to the hormone called insulin which helps in the movement of glucose from the body to cells. It is also one of the diseases caused due to smoking.
- Causes excessive sugar in the body.
- Also, increase the risk of heart, eyes and nerves.
8. Harm immune system
The immune system is one of the very essential systems of our body which helps in battling other infectious viruses or bacteria. It plays a vital role in keeping us perfect and fine in our daily life but smoking can affect our immune system and make us sick or ill.
- Causes infection like influenza and pneumonia.
- Lowers the status of a protective antioxidant called vitamin C in the blood.
9. Vision Problems
Smoking also causes issues in eyes like cataracts or muscle degeneration. Other vision issues can be dryness in eyes, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma which sometimes can cause even blindness.
- Continuous itchiness in the eyes due to dryness.
- Causes Uveitis which can be serious eye disorder also can cause complete loss of sight.
10. Musculoskeletal system
Smoking weakens the bones and muscles which affect the entire musculoskeletal system of the body causing pain in joints.
- Reducing bones viscosity resulting in immobility and deformity.
- Causes rheumatoid arthritis.
At last, Smoking makes blood impure and impure blood is not at all good for our body system. Bad or impure blood leads to all the several issues in our body related to heart, lungs, bones, stomach etc. Try to lead a healthy and happy life. Don’t waste it! And QUIT smoking!