Seva Dhum Plus, New Delhi under the ageis of Manav Mandir Foundation was started in September 1994. It’s motto is “Trust-Care-Cure” and with its traditional Ayurvedic and Naturopathy treatment therapy, it endeavours to treat people struggling with addictions of different types. The center is located in a picturesque and serene natural setting that is easily accessible.
Availability of modern techniques and the amenities at Seva-Dham plus helps us to keep high standards, to relax and rejuvenate in its natural surroundings. Seva-Dham plus had made achievements in treating thousands suffering from diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, low back ache, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, non-healing ulcers, fracture management, anorectal disorders, psoriasis, allergic disorders, respiratory disorders, age related degerative disoders, mental stress, rheumatic disease Slip Disc, Sciatica and lots more.